

...you could be the 'IBM704' or n'Auntie... which would you be...?

I paused to think on it.
With Love...

~Ooooh Steven

Yeah, you hear,
in the 'Gates Motel'....
eyelash typist, I hope you're well. ;)
Tease I can
at the squawk, Mr. Hawk,

You sent two men,
to speak your talk.

And so we did.

~155... you're still alive~

Yes, I Am....

~Tonight I lay me down to sleep,
Was tempted by the darkest sheep,
but did I turn? Know, I kept the peace.

Digital voice, I hear you speak,
~ eyelash typist dared to peak.
Breaking code in an eight spoke chair,
Catching bubbles in between the air.
~ I see you there...

Ribbons high, vibrations low,
magnetic flash we call NeetO!
Then I wondered to myself,
"....and to where did he go?"

"Position Assigned" I heard it read.
I look about but Who did I see?
Just Me. Can it be....?
I'm an Auntie?

Shock, surprise, eyes wide in smile!
I checked it twice then cried awhile...
Not sure I applied, but then realized
it might be true after all...
Might be what the Leggos call
Life. In a nutshell.

But hey, if it is indeed
n'Auntie, then who better.
:) The most *I* do,
is write Love letters...

... And so it is...
Love is.Peace

~Being, Peace.
~Neo. ;p

~Seeing Through~

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