
TLC on the Angle

"That's a dead triangle" the boy proclaimed without even a mention of his good name. "Gotta smoke...?" the old man asked as he unlatched his case, pulling out sticks. His time at the table to challenge the band, was upon him soon. His pinkie ring has an onyx moon.

"You shoot lefty.... and a bridge is the quarter turn of a One"

"Seven sees four eyes of a sun....! You're good to move on."

What? There's a quarter turn on the horizon?
"The Angel isn't dead and the Dead aren't done...."

How many games have you played I asked him. His blue jeans were dirty and his hair was thin. His hands were shaking as he drew one in... a long and steady breath, full of smoke while his eyes fixed firm. The hall was dim and around me I could hear the echoing players call. I could hear the clashing of solidly striped balls. Then without a reply, the old man turned his back to the wall. Removed his eyes from my questioning stare and lifting his arm, he took a shot through the air.

"Why am I here...." with the Angels again...

"Hey little girl, did you watch me play? I won that game" the red head said.
All I could do was smile. Not knowing yet why once in a while, I'm confronted with strange realities while not especially mine, but yours, you see?

In her face with just seconds to spare I saw her life in a flash of red.... bloodshot.
Eyes in her head were not the kind I'm used to. Something about her ruby lips too.... the elevator moved ever so slow as we stood there. Her towering height became quite, apparent, my eyes to roll from sight as I'm staring. Click please! Let the elevator bell ding, I'm praying. I see her knees am I shrinking? I start blinking and breathing, just waiting for the door to start moving.

And then it did.
And the air finally came.

"Love an Angle and be quick on your game!"... her ruby lips flapped.
Then the red head was gone and I was still and left standing.

76 tables in the den remaining...I'm exhausted when came the first of a dawning and while driving away in the morning, I realized...I was called to the table in play, for their lives.

"But I'm not a man..." a whisper cried....
"Only slight of the human inside...."
A fractal of Light in my ride....
As homeward I drive, wondering how it can be?
As they're not alive.... So what exactly, does that mean about me?

true story.

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