
An Experiment...

.... for your eyes ....

A menu for lusciously delicious lips...
Bread sticks and creamy dips,
Cold, warm, hot on your tongue.
Delicate cherries, can't eat just one.
Exquisite, dew filled honey in the sun...
Fragrant and ripe, skin on the melons.
Grappling the grapes, little balls of wine,
Hands cupped to my face, I take you...
Juggling faith, love, lust and sin...
Knowing, at the table as I came again.
Liiiiick. Said the kitten to the star fruit...
Moan for me...mmmmm
Nature slips between my lips,
Opening wide and closed are my eyes,
Pressing the button... whip cream surprise!
Quivering now, champagne in glass...
Release of pressure in a bubbling bath,
Swallowing slowly to make it last.
Taste intoxication, erotic exploration,
Uttering sounds of pleasure...
Velvety treasure filled liqueurs.
When it rains I hope it pours,
Xtreme delight,..fingers food.., and candle light,
Your Way.
Zest of Life! It's a buffet!

Inspiration: Cookie Monster

1 comment:

Chris said...

Awesome poem ! You are very descriptive with your words to make excellent imaginary. Thank you for sharing !