
Not Wise

I sit write back and wonder why
my belly rumbles and my eyes are dry.

Then I look to my left and remember to see
the Nut and Fruit wrappers of an eaten Cadbury.

Chocolate that is. As in the whoooole bar.
Not a drop of melted dark, creamy milky, square little parts,
Left in the wrappers, know. I ate it all.

And apparently I had a ball, because I didn't take notice,
that earlier in the night I had done this, once before.
... as my belly takes a rumble and a tumble once more....

To my horror what do I see? As I turn, from the wrappers Cadbury...
The plastic flash of a bag in the trash and it strikes fear, into the bowels of me...
It couldn't have been that again, back when, earlier this night
as I wrote in delight, words so yummy, I forgot
a bag of bears or two, that were gummy?

Another rumble happens at the pit of my tummy
And I realize... that at 40, I might knot.
Be wise. ;)

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