
bAre it is then...

dang it bang it gang
tempos changed again
flat footed duck pucked
a buck sucked a mother
up O freakin luck.

~Use sum fours dog~

Pinky.Ninja fogs the blog
tossin bones some fun
sunny Number One
Jive knows a girl swirls
in a junglin congo and a
car Pet Picasso wft
do you know? SO...

~It's All.go;D~


gerry boyd said...

Bebop never dies does it? I shall call you DizzY. Scoot 7 de doop 4 da moop forevermore.

IzzyGumbo said...

Odd as it sounds my friend, I normally don't listen to classification 'bebop' but, there are some... that ring something in my ear. So, such as I write my weird styles. Your number communications are always so much fun. Once again I guess that perhaps a goodly fireworks show great moods from the Indi.Penned. ;)

IzzyGumbo said...

I learned to communicate with 155 other dimensions and I'm confused by us 'human'... certainly I fall into 'weird'. ;)