

Pause in applause Poet you Write for a life
times Mind finding the blinding bliss of the Jest
yes Just, and for the fun. This and these. Poems.

Best of balloons tunes and cartoon cars in the sun
two red blue shoes to be seen in chacO.latte covered
blueGenes... Yes, Rod is the berry cherry flavor too,
savor kids, Shes a trekin' . Knot messin' with the
Apple.sauce Know.... the show goes on. AND on.

Engage! Minnie speaks in a java porcelain peak
of the mornings jargon a song long drawn in a cup
souped up of the day and a dawn. It's called fun.
Real.a.Tea. Have a Sum squeeks the java called Jo.
Lava Godiva.Cocao.nut too? With your lime Pooh?
"I was Just, making sure of you..."

"Number One... You have the bridge." Fly Write
our bird burning Sage of a ship.Friend. By night
I intend to return Planets burn for the knoW
so traveling I go now... to find the Monk...

Sublime in my rhyme I leave you be.Number One
on the bridge a Time to see Spock's on the Clock
and I'll be back... Terms to later are better than
fights in flights of bad weather.And so. Make it so!

Applause!.EnterPrise.PeAce is the Prize. Write!
AND put some sauce in them Apples!Two.(h)Our Zulu.


Colleen said...

All of your poetry that I've read so far is incredible. What word-play!!! :)

IzzyGumbo said...

You are so kind! Thank you Colleen :) I do have fun when these are written. Many hugs and blessings my dear.