
Phantom of the O.

Phantom of the O.Pen
Types the likes
I’ve never known
Fast of the eYes
I thought mine fair
Until I laid ears
on her typeOS there…

“A Fair.O.Moans indeed…”

Blazing sound
Enlightening speed
Raising ground
from My chair I did
Awakening SOL
to see what she said
Faster then sLight
was the sound I heard

The SuperLumin.Naughty

Penned aWay with a mummers sWord
Blazing lights pass the sound inward
Senses dance to the trance of how
Scent of the Pen is a powerful WOW!

Comes my mind to an opening….
Phantom of the Wind,
Is in One Of the Living.


mary.anne.gruen@gmail.com said...

I love all of it. It was fun! But the last few lines blew me away!

IzzyGumbo said...

Love you Mary Anne, hugs and smiles to your day!