
MC Squared

Number is funny, like I've mentioned before.
It appears one way, but shows us more.
To see it all, you have to look with a dare...

I'll make an example, of MC Square

Ol Albert was keen, a thinking machine...
he left us a rhyme for a future time!

His formula is one to behold...
It points the way to the sound of gold.



Digit Sum...
(5+1+3+3) = 12 squared = 144
(5 + 13 + 3) = 21 squared = 441

441 + 144 = 585 = "sum of some of the 13s" and Venus


And Fibonacci knew the way,
He showed the Maya how to play.
He said... "This way..."
Four and Four are forty four,
Count the One and swing the O,
"There come a day..." he said,
We'll know....

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 (as hours 144 = 6 days)
...1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 1440 (and Sunday)

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