
Jack Fell Down...

Do you know why that funny guy,
Jack, fell down his hill? Imploring Jill,
poor little thing, she followed him,
when she should have stood still.

To swing, dear Jack is not a fling,
and Mr. Fibon was quite clear.
Beehives have honey, and it's not funny,
that it's now knot the honey, Bear.

In the pale of water, there were two Os,
And to fetch One more your task.
You reached the top, you decided to stop,
You sat, and opened that flask.
Indeed and at last....

Jill in shock, the earth did rock
and the sky let out a cry! Jack fell down
and broke his crown as the rain
fell down from on high.

Jack, in fear jumped startled in tears,
lost his footing as he stumbled on back.
Jill in tears, four Jacks she feared
and she followed him, into the dark....

But I heard the Lark...
And he said to me...

There come a kin, when the waters change.
Look still to the reeds, they rearranged.
Near the edge of sea, there two will be...

They lost their way,
when Thunder played.
Tumbled down the hill,
when they should have stayed.
Rolled the @@s...
but they ran away.

And Fibonacci knew the way,
He showed the Maya how to play.
He said... "This way..."
Four and Four are forty four,
Count the One and roll The.O@,
"There come a day..." he said,
We'll know....

. . . . . . . . .

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 (as hours 144 = 6 days)
...1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 1440 (and Sunday)

144 is also the 13th number in Fibonacci

(if you count the leading zero).

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144
12th if you “roll The.O”

1440 are ‘minutes’ in One Day…

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