

1111… he says, more fun.
And last year already,
I gave him the One….

To remember in November is the way to play…

Row row, row your boat,
Gently up a stream…
Wilson rowed, and so he knowed
And said it was like a dream…

Madison, you said, more fun…
So Grover’s clover came undone,
And Willami, the honeybee…
Well, just so you know…
SHE, played nic nac paddy wac
And when Ben got back…
A wish was Granted.
Four fun…
is just what the doctor ordered.

Jackson came and the fun began…
In thanks again,
Linkcoln brought a Ham.

George ol boy… great game today!
Come join the fun, bring along TJ!

So the fun began and the boys played ball…
The sun shined bright,
There were smiles on them all.
A Great game it was!
The ball bounced and whirled,
aTeam focused to score…
And then along came a girl.

Odd little thing… they stared in doubt.
Scratching their heads and looking about…
She wants to play…?
Is that what she say…?

Rockin’ on her heels
And swaying back, two fours…
She Looked at them all,
And she said, “Of course”!

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