
the algo rhythm

" heal got rhythm "

… it’s the goal
I already have
" sun t’ sue "
it was always you
who was me

“know your enemy”
I know you’re in me
“so know yourself”
and so I do
“chop sticks are…”
the metal of moral influence…
“and the maneuver”
is the man moves over
a woman’s surprise
to capitalize
upon the wise
and to be prized….
directly indirect
control of the eYes
“two hear”
say the nipples do
" I’m not the beast "
but as you like…
speak with my breasts…

who us?

“great heals make for great legs”

" love on the mesa " is the same as
love is… sexy and on the way

get fi’T … dollars
on sand and sun
the goal of rhythm
is to make you come…
~;) she grins

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