
My Fantasy

Seven draws and a scene is seen,
Eleven drawrfs and a wicked Queen.
Told the tail of a Cat un.been.
~And where have you Been???
Chest.higher proud kitten,
Grinz fire and Winds all giggling.

Suppose it's right, just like Light
and like the light it shines, right on!
Never fear, no sandmen here,
Just fun in the sand at night!
Sky falling? Who.ya.kiddin'
That story's just a myth.See...
People don't read it, if they can't feel it
and the best way to play is BE!

And you've been. My fantasy.
Story.In Full Color. ;)
Remember me?

Why couldn't I, just now figure why
my rhyme seemed so un.mine....
There you are, near my jar,
you freak in the frank.ness.Ein.stein.
SherLock you say, her Spock is day
Light in her flight and here's the right
Knight looking back and forward she say.
~She's Lefty too, by the way....
Swaying is only while playing, but Bobby
Fisher, knew him well, played his
chess in the day and tell. Then her Pen
and tell her again, while she sway in her den...

Don't move. Until to see it.

There's a groov.E
Way to be, it.

Sum it up and you'll know it's right.
Slowing down, speeds up the light.
First flight...when the fingers write.

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