
do they know?

1776 plus 6771 (characters!) = 8547 and divided by 17.76 is 481.25 ... Giza Apex

Hey Christmas... 481 x 25 = 12025... it works both ways...

and the 'point' is to multiply ....

" maybe, but they still won't let me play?"

so I'll ask again... should I do this my own way?

" maybe ... they don't actually See it?"

my top dog does...

8547 / 407 = 21

8547 / 1155 = 7.4 ... oh god! she might be write!... eYes, I am. ;)

and it's me again .... 21 x 47 = 987 and plus 789 = 1776

and a shortcut on the One would be...1776 / 74 = 24 x 6 = 144

and .....................................................1776 / 37 = 48 x 6 = 288

" game on then! "

144 + 288 = 432 + 288 = 720 + 432 = 1152 + 720 = 1872 "Mayan, it's a date "

144, 288, 432, 720, 1152, 1872, 3024, 4896, 7920, 12816...20736 (look hear!)... +31104 = 51840 god13 "present" ... 31104 + 51840 = 82944 "hiGGs"  "present" ... plus 3456 "four percent" = 86400 "light" 

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