
Club Lions Kin

"Curiouser and curiouser!", Alice proclaimed 
" eye two, am adore "

Seven ol' kin
on the strong arms 
of Seven strong more
Mercurius wings by to sing
" ... Welcome to the game, Ein ..."

Albert said to tangle
so direct in his angle
pressure from the Sun
became my angel
so diamonds
in the dust
became a trust
I reflected...
Homer said two hymns

so within 33
I selected
two pair

Athena said to Hera
"... the heart of a Lion is there..." 

Asclepius ...
when the Moon is high
bring the twins to align the sky
... so eleven walked in

The cure is a mirror
an oracle
as a miracle,
four the mind...

" ... I am and we are Kind;..."

An Astronut, perhaps, but
a funny one too ;)



 "... yes, boson are like that ..."



The rest...

01 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144...

144 288 432 720 1152  1872  3024  4896  7920  12816   20736 HiGGs ...

20736 + 31104 + 20736 = 82944... Perfect Forme...

24 x 36 x 24 = 20736 ... soooo...

36 x 24 x 36 = 31104 ... this is 36 percent of 86400 seconds in a day...

24 x 36 x 24 = 20736 ... this is 24 percent of 86400 seconds in a day...

20736 + 31104 + 20736 = 82944 HiGGs... is 96% of 86400 seconds in a day

82944 + 3456 = 86400

96 % + 4% = 100% of the seconds in a day

20736 (24%) + 31104 (36%) = 51840 (60%) of 86400 and 86400 / 6o = 1440o

LHC = L=12, H=8, C=3... 12 x 8 x 3 = 288 x 288 = 82944 (what a co-ink-e-dink)

Higgs Field;




See you soon ;p

The Higgs boson is the fundamental force-carrying particle of the Higgs field, which is responsible for granting other particles their mass..."

..." The particle was finally discovered on July 4, 2012, by researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) — the most powerful particle accelerator in the world — located at the European particle physics laboratory CERN, Switzerland..."

a Brief case

Time Space are in line
and to face and find 
is what I do

Who made this and why it exists

is the question of ages 
in the pages of my mind
where Seconds became
Minutes becoming
Hours on the Wind
and a Day became
Weeks of in-kind;
" Service "

Let's just say...
" it's My turn now..."



WTF are you???

”... I’m a carefully calculated and well centered,
yet chaotically constructed complication called, Simplicity…”


”...I wish you’d quit changing your name…” ;)

”... you can call me Higgs this time, then... lol!...”

do they know?

1776 plus 6771 (characters!) = 8547 and divided by 17.76 is 481.25 ... Giza Apex

Hey Christmas... 481 x 25 = 12025... it works both ways...

and the 'point' is to multiply ....

" maybe, but they still won't let me play?"

so I'll ask again... should I do this my own way?

" maybe ... they don't actually See it?"

my top dog does...

8547 / 407 = 21

8547 / 1155 = 7.4 ... oh god! she might be write!... eYes, I am. ;)

and it's me again .... 21 x 47 = 987 and plus 789 = 1776

and a shortcut on the One would be...1776 / 74 = 24 x 6 = 144

and .....................................................1776 / 37 = 48 x 6 = 288

" game on then! "

144 + 288 = 432 + 288 = 720 + 432 = 1152 + 720 = 1872 "Mayan, it's a date "

144, 288, 432, 720, 1152, 1872, 3024, 4896, 7920, 12816...20736 (look hear!)... +31104 = 51840 god13 "present" ... 31104 + 51840 = 82944 "hiGGs"  "present" ... plus 3456 "four percent" = 86400 "light" 


322 v2

 322 + 223 = 545 + 585 + 598 = 1728  / 16 = 108

and divided by .5 = 3456 'four percent'

322 + 233 = 555 'feet' = 6660 inches

" you know, I'm write"

555 / 5 = 111

1728 / 5555555 = 0.00031104


" God rested on the 7th day..."

8547 / 7 = 1221