
Bricks and Feathers

 are Eagle Things

it was noticed

that she didn't take a fall...

the wings in her back

were really God's call

" I was walking

in a very green field

when I saw a bald eagle

who presented a shield...

the lines were fine

and behind them revealed

a blanket of stars

and a riddle of sorts...

it started my heart

so without delay

I seized the day

and found a path 

through art "

72 stones on the front

they counted

but around the square circle

are three unmounted


the eagle offered rides

so I took a quick stair

and circled 9 times

adding feathers to my hair

the count is 12 days

and a 13th layer

but only One God 

who called them all hOurs

the eagle nodded

and then she said 'stars'...


32+33+9 = 74


72 x 4 = 288 x 74 = 21312 'bacab'

2880 can be minutes in two days

288 can be hours in 12 days

so 21312 / 12 = 1776 / 2 = 888

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