
muster Anderson...


“talk to me”
and so she said

we” …
are the product
of what a life did
to become as love
in a world undone
as never before
has there ever been
a time of waste
of haste and lack
and never before
has God wanted for…

“this planet back”

so a place in space
set motions pace
on a race

“for humans kind”

changing minds
and hearts to date
matching us up
with Natures rate
… of speed

“Gods like that”
and so he peed;
You’re in.



Neo's Flight

in the light

a beginning is
where points
of write
become sight
and a convert
of one ordained
takes the vow
to begin again

“… it ain’t over, clover …”
as a rover says

look up
it’s the bright side

Smith’s Fight

“mustar Anderson”…

the rush is on
never before seen
the sun undone
a crooked cat
is Sumers fun
and Sitchin did say

“it’s on the One”

as the fun began
the two expand
where threes a door
to four and more


“flip forMe”
is a real clear form
of Mr. E

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