36 x 24 x 36 = 31104 and 31104, are 36 percent of seconds in an 86400 seconds day plus 20736 seconds which is 24 percent of seconds in a day equal 60 percent of seconds in a day which is equal to 51840 seconds ... which can be translated into 51.84 face slope degree of the Giza pyramid.
36 x 24 x 36 = 31104 = 36 percent of 86400
24 x 36 x 24 = 20736 = 24 percent of 84000
sums 31104 + 20736 = 51840 = 60 percent of 86400
51.84 degree slope angle of Giza pyramid
36 x 24 x 36 = 31104 = 36 percent of 86400
24 x 36 x 24 = 20736 = 24 percent of 84000
36 x 24 x 36 = 31104 = 36 percent of 86400
Sums = 82944 / 24 = 3456 = 4 percent of 86400
82944 / 3456 = 24 and this is X
86400 / 3456 = 25 and sometimes... this is Y
82944 / 4 = 20736
plus ....... .00864 = One
86400 / 4 = 21600
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