

So who's birthday is it, dear?  
Ours it is then...
of Chorus it's Horus



 ... Welcome to the conversation!...

"... who knew... I thought you were a beer for 17 years..."

Okay, let's revisit you then...


Plot the Dots

and Question not, just move on for the new tones...  

Tesla said "Know the secrets..."

3 x 6 x 9 = 162 ... this is 'Golden'...

Phi = 1.618 rounded is 1.62 plus One foot = 2.62 plus One toe = 2.72 

Look again.........   1.62 + 1.00 = 2.62 + .10 = 2.72

Euler's number is .........2.71828 so rounded is

The Megalithic Yard = 2.72 

Pi = 3.14

So... 1.62 plus 2.72 plus 3.14 plus 2.62 = 10.1 'percent'

"drop the dots"

101 binary = 5

101 decimal = Love of God;

12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101 x 5 = E0E W0W!M0M Signal.One

"flip a switch"

So... 1.92 plus 2.72 plus 3.14 plus 2.62 = 10.4 'percent' Venus days

3 x 6 x 9 = 162 x 192 = 31104 = 36% of 86400 'seconds' in a day.

31104  /3 / 6 /9 = 192

.... and 3 x 6 x 9 = 162



 "... I told you she's Jedi..."

You could have given me your name sooner you know...

0001 and so it begins...

1 One

3 Zeros




and so on....

Fibonnaci and Lucus Numbers are related because Fibonacci are binary at two digits

and Lucus, begins at four digits of binary.  I did this chart in 2007, here is part of it.