

 "... equal light..."

flames of Life

12 x 96 = 1152 x 5 = 5760 x 5 = 28800 x 5 = 144,000 x 5 = 720,000 x 5 = 3,600,000

360 x 3600 = 1296 000 ... / 3 / 6 / 9 = 8 000 / 8 /  = 1 /  70 000 = 0.0000142857 

"... do you think they'll see it? ..."

Probably not, but it would be a great surprise if they do!

"... you think we're alone?..."

Probably not, but it sure can feel that way sometimes.

"... you think we can co-exist in here?..."

We already do.

"Check, the time"

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