

And so here you are
The long awaited
Elusive star... 


havana cabana

The sound will affect you
The waters will rest 
and then test you too
But the rhythms
Of your land will soothe
And protect you...
Bare feet feel the beat
...Of the grounding sounds
To pursue


37 God's Reminder

37 twice is 74... 

what is 74 percent of 86400?
63936... and why is that important? 

Because 63936 / 3 = bacab = 21312 divided by 24 = 888
because 37 percent of 86400 is 8.88 hours

63936 / 8.88 = 7200

63936 / 1776 = 36
63936 / 74 = 864 
63936 / 14400 = 4.44

Mar 30, 2024 OG date