
T'waz the Knight


with quill in left
and coin in right
the coale in heart
became a light

past plus present
" are future sight "

and so she wrote

" it IS a coming... 
Spirit change
for Chance to start 

it IS a sum thing
slight sloping arc
dances for a part
... and of the script
it IS!
... off the chart ...

T'waz the Knight
a calling heard
four scales of change
and just as was
this tale of Art
more rapid than eagles
called by name...
so fair in hearing
the balance came

on comet! 
thunder rains...

the energy
of an ancient unseen
poured on dawning
from ancestral streams

and so I wrote.
a tale of dreams


get a room...

33 floors and only 2 doors remain...

" had eyes turned tight
 'til you called my name "

heard the light as you said ...

" she's not the Dead 
but can hear the same "
" Your phone dreams " 

and I saw you there...



It was dark in the ages then
And so I
An unmarked Monk
Took to pen and began
The write of my life
At hand...

No sight to call friend
And the Devil at my door
Quietly knocking
A dark heart
Patiently waiting
So I let It in...

" drawn to a page "
and odd...

Where this book began
A lone soul in search of sins
To feed in scribbles
A page of skin

" a deal is this " was said...
and then time stopped moving

I finished my work
And remain as the living...

Code X

" The Beginning "


there is...

" a Clause "

Sancta Sedes
Santa Sede

there ain't no 'siege'
"this time"

only sees  d;


" to the nines "

the ancients were advanced for their time
more than 'we' if reversed in the mind
yet the evil lay waste their lands
as they lived by the gains of man

"a devil never wins
because the reign returns "

and today
they are heard in song

"the message is this"

" we are hear "

in the air for so long
whispered they in the kind;
who be long



god eYe dog
god seeing eye dog...


she is

" ... Long in the middle ... "
born from her Mother
as a Cosmic riddle

the most Ancient soul
yet to be known
is sound.

She is...  'inbound'
materials merging
to form One mind

in a 1000 degree
from dusk til dawn
" the devil never wins "
when the reign returns


my eYes
"never died"
from the fires of well
"there is no hell"
from where I come

" Dragon, of the See "

She is... not a fish, "charlie"
" inside of sight "
from the edge of dream
" I saw you come "
as a fluid stream
of light...

and god said 'good'


She, Iz...

she is...
many things
in many ways
discovering Song
singing of days
calling Long
all the write...
reckon sight
in all the sought

they are ... of my.kind;
shhh ... 


sh... ; p

' I ' own it.

Shhh ;ps hip

the 'sh;p'  iz .. hip



it's just Iz